6 things...

1. Things will be numbered. They are easier to count that way.

2. Lasertag. I wish it were more accessible and a lot cheaper. But always always fun and a nice adrenaline rush to boot.

3. I'm feeling random.

4. Portland [1][2] Exploits: (a) lots of family time. (b) incredible weather. I'm talking 70's and 80's. Partly cloudy, blue sky, crisp clean air. Sun. Perfect, seriously. (c) Wednesday night, my 19-year-old Marine brother chokes me out in a Taco Bell parking lot in response to some ice water I tossed in his face. I black out in less than 10 seconds, I'm out for more than 2 minutes. I come to slowly, totally disoriented, curled in a totally awkward position on the asphalt, and inescapably nauseous. 45 minutes later, I throw up an assortment of Taco Bell and veggies my mom had forced me to eat earlier. My brother felt bad about it. I'm glad. (d) Went to Portland's famous Saturday Market, a mecca of hippies, yuppies, puppies, music, and food. Bought some goodies. (e) Did some totally fantastic vacation shopping. 4 new screen printed shirts from various places, a new pair of shorts from the gap. Mom and I went shoe shopping for her lots of places, but the floor in Nordstrom was COVERED in shoes. it was UNBELIEVABLE. But on the good side, they were playing some Jose Gonzalez through the speakers. Yessss. (f) I'm leaving P-town just in time to miss at least 10 shows in the next two weeks that will NEVER come to Norfolk. Frustration! (g) Stubbed the H*LL out of my right bigtoe while walking in the dark with flipflops. Bent back the nail, tore off some flesh. mmmm yummy, you're hungry now I can feel it. (h) Saw "An Inconvenient Truth" with Cicely and was terrified. It's definitely a movie everyone should see about global warming. Actually scary. (i)Imbibing some incredible beer. For those who don't know, the PacNW is home to one of the biggest concentrations of microbrews in the country. Tons and tons of insanely good beer. I hate leaving here.

5. 7/31 Listening Assignments: This will be the first week in forever that I've neglected, but I'm still out of town til Wed and don't have the means or time to compile assignments worthy of all of you. I figure it's ok because it gives everyone a few more days to check out last weeks, still my favorite set of the calendar year.

6. Back wednesday, Cogans Thurs/Sat/Sun/Mon. Band practice in there somewhere. Talk to me.



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