Thanksgiving 2008

50 Things I'm Thankful For:
1. Amity Louise Crockett2. Cottonwood Brewery (Boone, NC). Low Down Brown. Endo IPA. Scottish Style Ale. The Best Pumpkin Beer in America.
3. Jay's Delicatessen.
4. Magic Hat #9, the not-quite-pale-ale
5. I Love Lampl, I still miss you.
7. Copeland - Thanks to You [from Dressed Up & In Line]
8. Eef Barzelay - Thanksgiving Waves [from Bitter Honey]
9. The Acorn - Plates & Saucers [from Blankets EP]
10. Chuck Palahniuk. For making it impossible to choose a favorite.
11. Hot Coffee on a cold morning
12. My brother, already been to Iraq and baq.
13. The privilege of being American.
14. Hummus. Sunflower Seeds. Duckpin Bowling. New Addictions in General.
15. A Blank Canvas
16. Barsuk, Polyvinyl, and Sub Pop Records
17. Cogan's Pizza: It's a love/hate thing
18. Relative Theory Records. [RIP]
19. My brothers in rock, The Editorial We
20. Alpha Music
22. My amazing friends and family
23. Demo Jail
24. Mashed Potatoes
25. Whole Cranberry Sauce
26. Top 10 Lists
27. The Mix CD
28. Acoustic Instruments
29. Recycling
30. Living and Learning
31. American Football
32. Rivalry Games
33. Freedom of Speech
34. A good debate
35. Mutual Admiration Society
36. Seattle, Portland, Ghent.
37. High Fidelity, Quentin Tarantino, Charlie Kaufman.
38. Pro-tools, for allowing anyone to pursue what they love in music.
39. String Arrangements
40. 4-part Harmonies
41. Photo Albums
42. March Madness
43. linesthroughlines
45. The tremendous blessings I've been given through no act of my own.
46. The evolution of the independent film.
47. Conspiracy Theories
48. and the Hype Machine
49. The smell and feel of Fresh laundry
50. My sheets, my bed, my dreams.
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