Over It.

Well, everyone, I'm over it.

I'm writing this now because I've reached critical mass in my frustration with Blogger (specifically) and the music business (more generally). If you've been paying attention, below this post you'll find a 3rd (and final) reposting of my top 60 songs of 2008. It was first posted a few days ago, then mysteriously deleted without notice or explanation by Blogger. I re-posted the list, removing nearly every mp3 preview on it (leaving only two songs that I had express permission to use), but today the post was deleted again, this time with an e-mail notifying me that a DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) takedown notice had been issued for the new post in question. I was informed that I had the option to file a counter-notice, by fax or snail-mail only, which I proceded to file. In doing so, I've opened myself up to potential legal ramifications for the post, but I am so sure that I'm in the legal right that I submitted it anyway. So Blogger may be forced to re-post the entry, but not before the damage has been done.

It's a sad state of affairs when I can't even post a list of my favorite songs of the year and include a scant few tracks that have already been posted here and elsewhere numerous times in promotion and to the advantage of the musical acts involved. It's even sadder that a post that took me two days to complete and is effectively one of the most important of the entire calendar year could be deleted without notice or legal backing and potentially lost forever. Sad for the bands on the list that need every ounce of exposure possible, bands that deserve that mention and submitted music to me for sharing.

It's obvious that things have changed in the blogosphere. Maybe it's Blogger, bloated with Google-fied omnipotence, but I have a feeling that it's a lot bigger than that. It's unfortunate that music lawyers and executives can't make the simple distinction between a music-minded blogger like myself (trying to help bands, most who appreciate every mention) and some entire album/catalog posting blogger giving away entire collections of pirated and leaked material. I simply can't spend the exorbitant amounts of time required to make this site work and know that at any point, the entire thing could be deleted without notice. This is a reality.

Therefore, I'll be taking a short break and exploring a new destination. I can't not write about bands I love. I can't not share them to listeners with desperate ears. But Blogger has become the very thing I stand against and I can't afford to pin my efforts on a sinking ship.

I'll keep you posted. Regardless of where it is, linesthroughlines.com will still forward you there and the blog name will not change. I'll be sacrificing a lot of what I've worked for 2.5 year to achieve, but I see no other recourse. I hope you follow me into the unknown. Thank you for the passion you've shown for music and the support you've given me for as long as I've been doing this.

I'll be back...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep up the fight. I have appreciated all your music and thoughts. Its a shame that people can't grasp that the genie is out of the bottle and their fight is not with people who are trying to share their love of music

5:46 PM  
Blogger Jane said...

I am a frequent visitor to your blog and was very curious about the missing post. I hope that all this legal stuff gets cleared up with less harm done. I will follow you to your next destination.

10:18 PM  
Blogger GarettAP said...

Love you, will stick with ya

12:27 AM  
Blogger The God Of Biscuits said...

i greatly enjoy listening to someone who shares the deep love i have for music, and i am sad to hear of your troubles, friend. be sure that the moment you can no longer hold your tongue, wherever it may take you, i will be in tow just behind. looking forward to much, much more.

1:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well atleast.. it is still...

11:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your blog, from which I discovered Ida,bon iver, and many others stuff
keep the passion

1:31 PM  
Blogger Kent Le said...

Rock-on, Drew.

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You made being alive and sixteen a lot more bearable.

I thank you.

11:35 PM  
Blogger Oded said...

Looking forward for your returning triumphant post :-)

9:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I owe the discovery of much great music to linesthroughlines. I'll keep reading as long as you keep posting.

1:44 PM  

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