New Mew? Do.

Dreamy thuderstorm pop, anyone? Denmark's Mew has been moving upwards in the world of indie press over the last few years, dropping power-pop singles like they're hot. And because most of their material hasn't (until the last year) been released stateside, they haven't had to release a new record since early 2005. Last year's album And the Glass Handed Kites was actually a 2005 release. Likewise, Frengers (just released Jan 23) was actually released abroad in 2003. Still, this is the Mew I like the most: arena-like yet vulnerable. We'll probably have to wait til '07 for truly new Mew, but until then if this is new to you, it's new enough to suffice.

Am I Wry? No.
[from Frengers|buy]


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