Ho Ho Ho

Zer are two orders of business on zis fine day. Ze first one is slightly overdue because I, for one, am over listening to Christmas music for another 10 months owing to basic holiday exhaustion and ze fact zat it's been 60 frickin' degrees outside since ze 26th.

But ze short of it is zat a friend (Lindsay Anderson aka: Said the Lion) and I sat down a few times before Christmas and hammered out a small Christmas EP to give away to friends and family. Oddly enough, we didn't end up with any of ze songs we'd originally discussed and/or started tracking (Christmastime Is Here, Last Christmas, Baby (It's Cold Out Side)), and instead were simply led to learn and record zese three songs in three seperate sessions.

So I'm giving it to you, ze faithful few who still check ze site occasionally in zis time of transition.

Silent Night [mp3]
White Christmas [mp3]
Santa Baby [mp3]

Hope your Christmas/Hannakuh/Kwanzaa/Festivus was rollicking!



Anonymous Anonymous said...

ah, thank you!

10:00 PM  

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