July 4th, 2008

Looking through my archives, I've never blogged on Independence Day, even though we've been given a gift-wrapped song in Jason Anderson's July 4th, 2004, the original of which I have written about before and made my top 50 of 2007. That version topped 6 minutes and was jam-packed full of some of the rawest and most uplifting enthusiasm I've ever heard, while this one clocks in at a more single-friendly and faster-paced 3:28. Well Mr. Anderson put out about 6 records so far in 2008, of which I own two. He records nearly completely live, for fairly obvious reasons. The life in his voice is enough to fuel the whole of us.
July 4th, 2004
The Hopeful and the Unafraid
[from The Hopeful and the Unafraid|buy]
July 4th, 2004
The Hopeful and the Unafraid
[from The Hopeful and the Unafraid|buy]
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